2024 marked the 10th anniversary of Resiliency Technologies and a decade of disseminating evidence-based digital mental health programs for children, adolescents and families. Below is a quick glimpse at what we have accomplished together - thanks to our many collaborators, partners and colleagues who shared in the great hope of building resilience for every child in America. As you will see, we have much to be hopeful for in 2025 and beyond. THANK YOU for believing in our important mission. May you and your family enjoy a peaceful transition to the new year.
As ever,
Robyn Hussa Farrell, President & CEO
Resiliency Technologies and author of the Sharpen platform
Sharpen NIH Research Grants and FDA Pre-Sub Application
In 2024 we celebrated hitting "send" on multiple research grants to the National Institutes of Health with our partners at University of California at San Francisco, Stanford University, in collaboration with our incredible research team members from UC Berkeley, Emory University / Rollins School of Public Health, James Madison University and Baylor University. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding mechanisms enable small businesses like ours to receive NIH grant support that will fund clinical trials that will be used toward our FDA clearance. Thank you to all of our clinical and research team members for your participation in this crucial aspect of our work and for lending your time, talent and expertise. It is a top priority that we ensure the Sharpen DTX products are clinically validated and receive clearance through the FDA. After completing our pre-sub application with FDA this year, we were able to engage in several meetings to determine the best path forward for our trial designs. We are really looking forward to this research in 2025 and beyond. Learn more.
Sharpen Mental Health Literacy Resiliency Programs Expanded
Our evidence-based SMHL program is now available through multiple national partnerships including:
SC Department of Social Services learning management site for foster and adoptive parents (learn more)
MentalHealthInstruction.org as a Tier 1 resource for high school students (more)
Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) (more)
SAMHSA-funded medical student resiliency and suicide prevention (more)
NY Office of Mental Health funded suicide prevention efforts for VNS Health Safe Pathways
Archdiocese of New York Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP)
Our Documentary Films
In 2024 we began capturing our documentary film series on child and adolescent mental health alongside world-expert researcher, Stephen P. Hinshaw, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley. The series will cover four crucial and interrelated aspects of child and adolescent mental health, as told by individuals with lived expertise, national researchers, clinicians and families. In collaboration with Dr. Hinshaw, our co-Founders have captured over 35 hours of footage to date and will continue filming in 2025. We are so very grateful to the many individuals who have contributed to this important work.
Sharpening Medical Student Knowledge and Best Practice
Working with our partners at Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) and Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System (SRHS) alongside national researchers in eating disorders, we enhanced Sharpen's 5- hour training on eating disorder awareness and prevention to bolster medical student and physician best practices specific to pediatric / primary care settings.
Resiliency Technologies is so grateful to VCOM, SRHS Community Health and Medical Education divisions and to the many participating individuals, clinicians and researchers from collaborating institutions who have lent their expertise to this crucial program.Medical University of South Carolina and Timothy D. Brewerton, MDUC San Diego Eating Disorders Center for Treatment and ResearchUNC Chapel Hill Center of Excellence for Eating DisordersHarvard School of Public Health STRIPED
The program has become a required training for both medical students and physicians. Learn more about the research, here.